Safety / Health / Environment

Health | Safety

HomeHealth | Safety  |  Environment

Health | Safety | Environment

Health - Safety

Since its creation, Canbec has always made occupational health and safety in the workplace its number one priority. We’ve established a strict policy that has for objectives to eliminate all work related accidents and to identify all risks that may affect the health and safety of the public and our workers.

Our health and safety policy is established around the following 4 components:

  1. To sensitize our workers on the importance of self-protection along with protecting the health and safety of human beings;
  2. To enroll all of our workers in occupational health and safety continuous training;
  3. To write an occupation health and safety program, that is available on-site, for each on-going project in order to properly assess the various risks; and
  4. Following a surprise site visit from our health and safety committee, to write an observation report in order to analyze how the site safety can be improved.

Report - "Comment on devient un modèle en SST"


The environment plays an important role in the execution of our daily work We are committed to contributing to a healthier and sustainable environment by continually improving our work methods and procedures all while keeping abreast of new technologies in an effort to lower our greenhouse gas emissions.